Another proposal involves the adoption of an absolute novelty standard that will make it hard to get a Chinese patent for inventions that are already in use overseas. 另一项提议涉及采用绝对新颖性标准。根据这项标准,已经在国外使用的发明,将很难在中国申请到专利。
But the company that made them was not able to get a patent for such an ancient idea. 但是制造呼啦圈的公司并不能为这一古老创想申请专利。
Whatsoever, Chinese high-technology enterprises must renew minds, get the patent work into schedules, search for the proper patent strategy and put into effective practice and tight control. 因此,中国技术型企业必须马上转变观念,将企业中的专利工作提上日程,上升到战略的高度,探索具有本企业特色的专利战略,并予以有效的实施和严密的控制。